API Specification


TEST environment

  • URL: https://dev.dashboard.smapplab.com
  • This environment contains data from the PRODUCTION environment and is updated periodically. Please exercise caution, as the data may be outdated.
  • Access token expiry: 5 days

PRODUCTION environment:

  • URL: https://dashboard.smapplab.com
  • Accesstoken expiry: 5 hours

Authentication endpoint


Authentication endpoint for obtaining an access token to access data endpoints.

Get auth token

API Endpoint: POST api/auth/

Request body

    "username": "clientusername",
    "password": "clientpassword"

example response:

    "refresh": "exampleaccesstoken",
    "access": "examplerefreshtoken"

Data endpoints

General description

Response format

  "meta": {
      "next": "/api/devices/?page=3&page_size=20", // null, if there is no more page
      "previous": "/api/devices/?page=1&page_size=20", // null, if there is no more page
      "count": 420, // total size of elements
      "page": 2,
      "page_size": 20
  "data": [


API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/



Devices endpoint for retrieving data specifically related to trap devices.

Request body

No request body

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

	"id": "exampledeviceUUID",
	"most_relevant_geo_point": {
		"latitude": "47.5118305060",
		"longitude": "19.0377206591"
	"smapp_id": "SMP-0000",
	"name": "Name of device",
	"current_pest": "exampleuuid",
	"current_crop": "exampleuuid",
	"last_measurement": "exampleuuid",
	"last_network_diagnostic": "exampleuuid",


API Endpoint: GET /api/pests/


Pest endpoint for retrieving detailed pest data by pest id.

Querystring parameters:

					id__in=id1,id2 // ids are the current_pest uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

				"id": "1903ec84-2fb0-4c9c-8fb3-c27ac4a2eb03",
				"created_at": 0,
				"updated_at": 0,
				"comment": "string",
				"name": "string"


API Endpoint: GET /api/crops


Crops endpoint for retrieving detailed crop data by crop id.

Querystring parameters:

					id__in=id1,id2 // ids are the current_crop uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "comment": "string",
    "name": "string"


Get list of images and detection counts related to image

API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/images


Images endpoint for retrieving images by device id.

Querystring parameters:

					device__id=exampledeviceid // ids are the id uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

    "id": "example image uuid",
    "created_at": 0,
    "detection_count": "number",
    "detection_count_delta": "number",
    "device": "device_id"

Download image by image id

API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/images/{image_id}/download


Images endpoint for downloading specific image by image id.

Querystring parameters:


Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

Blob image (type: image/jpeg)


API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/measurements


Measurements endpoint for retrieving measurements by device ids.

Querystring parameters:

					device__id__in=id1,id2 // ids are the last_measurement uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

  "id": "measurementuuid",
  "battery_voltage": "4.2",
  "solar_cell_voltage": "4.3",
  "temperature": 0, // celsius, not provided by mini devices
  "humidity": 34, // percentage, not provided by mini devices
  "light": 0, // percentage
  "created_at": 0,
	"device": "deviceuuid"

Network diagnostics

API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/network-diagnostics


Network diagnostics endpoint for retrieving network diagnostic by device ids.

Querystring parameters:

					device__id__in=id1,id2 // ids are the last_measurement uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

    "id": "networkdiagnosticsuuid",
    "created_at": 0,
    "service": "egsmmode", // service for device modem
    "operator": "21630",
    "band": "EUTRAN-BAND28",
    "channel": "352",
    "cell": "111628",
    "rssi": -55.0,
    "ip": "ipaddress",
    "device": "ca65ab35-6112-4831-ac47-a7f4848e0958"

Catch count deltas

API Endpoint: GET /api/devices/one-and-seven-day-detection-counts


Catch count deltas endpoint for retrieving catch count and catch count deltas on a daily and weekly bases by device ids.

Querystring parameters:

					device_ids=id1,id2 // ids are the id uuids from the devices endpoint

Authorization header

					'Authorization: Bearer EXAMPLEACCESSTOKEN'

Example response:

      "id": "deviceuuid",
      "day": {
          "dc": 0, // today detection count
          "dcd": 0 // today detection count delta
      "week": {
          "dc": 0, // 7 days detection count
          "dcd": 0 // 7 days detection count delta